Sunday, December 25, 2011

Rice & Almond Milk

This recipe makes 1 litre of milk - to make 2 litres at a time, just double everything except the water and follow as per recipe; then after whizzing it up, strain into a large jug and add another litre of water and stir.

1. Place in dry TM bowl and grind for 1 min on speed 9:
- 50g brown rice

2. Add & grind on speed 9 for another 30 seconds:
- 40g raw almonds (or you can use raw cashews)

3. Add, and cook at 60 degrees, 6 mins, speed 4:
- 1 litre water (or a little more)
- 1 T coconut oil (or other oil - for creaminess)
- 30g rice malt syrup, optional (or honey, or pure maple syrup, or other sweetener, to taste)
- pinch of salt

4. Puree on speed 8 for 40 secs, then strain into jug. (If you want it completely strained, use cheesecloth.) Cool, and enjoy!

Pre-soaked method: Soak rice and nuts in the water overnight, or for up to 24 hrs, then blend with other ingredients on speed 9 for 2 minutes. Cook as per recipe.

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